Churn Rate: What Every Startup Should Know

5 years ago

The goal for every startup should be to acquire a large enough and reliable client or customer base in order…

Gross Profit Margin: How to Calculate for a Startup

5 years ago

Simply put, Gross Profit Margin is the percentage of revenue that turns into profit. It’s a simple calculation but a…

ARR: A Guide for Startups

5 years ago

Company strategies made using performance data can be the difference between success and failure, and this is particularly important for…

Capitalization Tables: The Complete Guide and Mistakes to Avoid

5 years ago

As an entrepreneur or business owner, you’ve undoubtedly run into the term “cap table” before. In its most basic form,…

CLTV: How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value for Startups

5 years ago

Customers, the source of profits for companies, have different profiles and their value to the business can vary according to…

Creating a Financial Model for Your Startup

5 years ago

The first use case of a financial model comes during the funding phase, but its purpose goes far beyond raising…

Our Competitive Advantage: Processes

5 years ago

At Founder’s CPA we know how important it is to have the right people executing the right processes on the…

Featured Founder: Live Better

5 years ago

At Founder's CPA, we are privileged to work with a wide spectrum of highly impressive clients. Welcome to our first…

Featured Founder: Optivolt Labs

5 years ago

At Founder's CPA, we are privileged to work with a wide spectrum of highly impressive clients. Welcome to our first…

Ethereum IRA: The Ultimate Guide

5 years ago

What is an Ethereum IRA and is it a safe bet? Learn why you should use cryptocurrency to diversify your retirement savings.…