5 Key Levers to Reduce Startup Burn Rate

3 years ago

Burn rate is the measure of negative cash flow in startups.  In simple terms, it’s how much cash you’re using…

Featured Founder: EyeRate

3 years ago

At Founder's CPA, we are privileged to work with a wide spectrum of highly impressive clients, such as EyeRate. Welcome…

Featured Founder: Vidadata

3 years ago

At Founder's CPA, we are privileged to work with a wide spectrum of highly impressive clients, such as Vidadata. Welcome…

Three Ways a Savvy Crypto Accountant Can Help You Save on Taxes

3 years ago

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cardano continue to make a splash in today’s marketplace. As you continue to invest…

Featured Founder: Pilea

3 years ago

At Founder's CPA, we are privileged to work with a wide spectrum of highly impressive clients. Welcome to our Featured…

How to Align Expense Management with Your Budget (in real-time)

3 years ago

Creating a great product and using it to consistently grow your revenue streams is a key aspect of building a…

How to Calculate Runway in Your Startup

3 years ago

For business, "runway" is the amount of time you can keep doing business before you run out of cash. As…

Ways to Attract and Retain Talent in Your Startup

3 years ago

Getting a startup off the ground is a massive challenge for every team. Most startups start their journey with getting…

Investors Worried about Crypto Regulations?

3 years ago

Crypto started as something the average person either didn’t care about or thought was just a scam but it seems…

5 Startup Metrics Every VC Expects from Your Startup

3 years ago

As your startup grows, you’ll likely be searching for more funding. Whether for operational cost, improving marketing efforts, or hiring…